Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) versus QUAT and Formaldehyde


Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) versus QUAT and Formaldehyde

Unlike QUATS and Formaldehyde, AHP® is non-toxic ensuring that humans, animals and the environment will not be negatively impacted. Unlike QUATs, there is no concern over loss of efficacy due to negative reactions with commonly used cleaning substrates (e.g. QUAT Binding).

AHP® removes the need to compromise between efficacy and safety by providing a balance between killing a broad spectrum of pathogens while remaining gentle for users, animals, materials and the environment.

  • AHP® is essentially non-toxic and non-irritating (in use solution) and does not require the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), giving assurance that animal and human health will not be jeopardized.
  • AHP® provides contact times that are two times faster providing confidence that disinfection has been achieved.
  • AHP® is biodegradable. Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen reducing environmental impact.


Unlike QUATS and Formaldehyde, AHP® is non-toxic ensuring that humans, animals and the environment will not be negatively impacted. Unlike QUATs, there is no concern over loss of efficacy due to negative reactions with commonly used cleaning substrates (e.g. QUAT Binding).

Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® QUATs & Formaldehyde
Active Ingredient 0.5% – 4.25% Hydrogen Peroxide 22.28% QUAT
2.28% Formaldehyde
In Use Concentration 300ppm – 5000ppm 1740ppm – 5570ppm Quat
180ppm – 570ppm Formaldehyde
Shelf Life 2 – 3 Years (Concentrate or Ready to Use) 30 – 90 Days Diluted Not available


AHP® utilizes both anionic and non-ionic surfactants within its formulation. Anionic surfactants have superior cleaning abilities in comparison to cationic surfactants as the electrical charge of anionic surfactants interact better with soil particles allowing for easier removal. In addition, non-ionic surfactants help in preventing redeposition of soils that have been lifted off the surface.

Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® QUATs & Formaldehyde
Contains Surfactants Yes (anionic and non-ionic) Yes (cationic)


AHP® is proven to deliver superior kill performance; contact times are two times faster which ensures compliance that disinfection has been achieved. AHP® products have been proven effective against a broad-spectrum of pathogens, giving you confidence that your facility is protected against pathogens of concern.

Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® QUATs & Formaldehyde
Broad-Spectrum Sanitizer Yes
30 seconds – 3 minutes
Bactericidal Yes
1 minute – 5 minutes
10 minutes
Enveloped Viruses Yes
30 seconds – 5 minutes
10 minutes
Non-Enveloped Viruses Yes
30 seconds – 5 minutes
10 minutes
Fungi Yes
30 seconds – 5 minutes
10 minutes


AHP® formulations have proven to be essentially non-toxic and non-irritating (in use solution) which gives assurance that animal and human health will not be jeopardized. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and is severely irritating to the respiratory system which can lead to occupational asthma.

Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® QUATs & Formaldehyde
Personal Protective Clothing In Use: PPE Not Required In Use: Goggles and Gloves
Essentially Non-Irritating to Eye at the Use Dilution Yes No
Essentially Non-Irritating to Skin at the Use Dilution Yes No
Lowest EPA Inhalation Toxicity Rating at the Use Dilution Yes No


The active ingredient used in all AHP® formulations is biodegradable, as hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen reducing environmental impact and improving the environment for animals and those who care for them. Quats have been known to bioaccumulate in the environment and leave behind toxic residues which can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. Formaldehyde is a known Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) which contributes to air pollution indicating that caution should be taken to avoid environmental contamination.

Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® QUATs & Formaldehyde
VOC Free Yes No
Environmentally Preferred Yes No

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