Efficacy of disinfectants containing Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® against conidial arthrospores and isolated infective spores of Microsporum canis and Trichophyton sp


Efficacy of disinfectants containing Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® against conidial arthrospores and isolated infective spores of Microsporum canis and Trichophyton sp

Veterinary Dermatology, 25: 191-e48. doi:10.111/vde.12122.

Moriello, K. and Hondzo, H. (2014).

This study evaluated the activity of AHP® concentrate and ready-to-use products at three different dilutions against Microsporum and Trichophyton species (fungi which commonly cause ringworm in dogs and cats). Treatment with AHP® consistently resulted in no growth of fungus on the test plates, indicating that AHP® is highly effective against these fungi.

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